robot and toms

robot and toms

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My thoughts

So, I broke out super bad this week. I have medication for it but it can take up to two months to clear up and ive only been using it for one month so im still breaking out. I was thinking today(because i spent the night at my cousins and thus drove home with no make up on and trying to hide behind my hair) that i would rather be extremely obese and have clear skin than this horrid breaking out. When my skin is unclear my confidence literally plummets through the ground and when my skin is clear, oh my god, i strut my stuff. It seems strange because i dont have a great figure but i totally have an obsession with clear skin. Other than breaking out i have OK skin so i guess that might be why ormaybe because i didn't break out badly until this summer. IDK, it SUCKSSSSSS no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!

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